Every business has it's challenges and you have to find humor in what you do some times. Over the past 4 1/2 years our cleaning team has cleaned a variety of locations from professional offices to Fitness Clubs to Dental and Doctor Offices. We have had some laughs about some really miscellaneous items we have run into while cleaning.
Here is our Top Ten: 1. BRA -- a very large cupped one...how do you arrive at work with this on and then not have it on when you go home? 2.TOENAIL CLIPPING- so you got paid to perform personal hygiene today? 3. A NOTE asking to please clean up dog poop--that ended up being a pile of dirt....but laughed because who would really let "poop" sit in their work space the entire day and who is letting dogs into their office? 4. PEOPLE who got locked in after the staff left - yep, we were as surprised to see them as they were confused about why were asking them to leave, they had no idea the place had closed. 5. A CELL PHONE... that's not really funny but the guy who came to the door to collect it looked like Jesse Ventura and actually thought we would open the door for him. Having him take 10 steps back and sliding the phone through a cracked door was probably an interesting sight to see. 6. BEER CANS in an office- --- please tell me I don't have to say why this seems inappropriate. 7. A MOUNTAIN DEW BOTTLE...someone tried to flush down a toilet.... trash cans must of been full?!? 8. 6 INCH STILLETO HEELS under desk....right next to a pair of GRANNY ORTHOPEDIC TENNIES.....talk about a woman with versitility. And by the way, this is how I roll also. 9.VERY LARGE BOXER SHORTS- again, how do you wear these in to a facility but not wear them when you leave? 10.A SACK FROM MCDONALDS....with note "Cleaners,please don't throw this away it's my lunch for tomorrow." perfectly accepteable note and request except it's 9pm at night and the sack of food is sitting on the desk? We need to talk about bacteria my friend.
Kari ZimmermanAbout the Owner: Archives
May 2024
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