Is there time wasted searching for what you need to do your job? Here is a great link to organizng and coming up with a system that makes access to your office tools more time efficient.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Is your 2011 off to a great start? Organization is one of the most common New Year's Resolutions. It's something we all strive to get better at. In the office or at home it can be overwhelming. Here are some guidelines to get 2011 started on the right track!
1. take inventory -- making piles and labeling as you stack, labeling with a sticky note will make for a faster system when it's time to sort those piles and determine what goes where. You can skip the "what" if it's already labeled. 2. purge - an on going necessity. Sometimes it's not purging but filing. 3. cleanse - everything is easier to find when it's clean. 4. optimize space - dare to rearrange. Sometimes change is refreshing and more efficient. Remember, it can always be changed again! 5. create a place for everything 6. label - seems unnecessary at times but a quick glance can make your time more efficient. 7. computer clean up - deal with emails as they come in...delete and archive, leaving only those that need an answer in the In box. 8. untangle the cords - Office supply stores sell reletively cheap "cord hiders". No more tangles! And a nice clean look for your desk area. 9. stock up on office supplies - The New Year is a great time to make a list of all supplies used in the office and have a working list to go off of when it's time to re-order. A simple excel spread sheet will do the trick. Anything from pens to styro cups that are for the coffee station should go on here. Utilize your Cleaning Service to maintain this for you. 10. maintain - efficiency will result from maintaining and also delegating in areas that you can. Here are some web sites for more information and details on utilizing these guidelines:
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